Some TLC For Your Body While You WFH
Our lives and the world as we know it changed with the blink of an eye. The mainstay of daily life for millions – going to an office for work – came to a screeching halt, and we’re left adapting beyond anything we could have imagined.
Add to that the inner stress of a global pandemic, the lack of clarity in how to go forward with our lives, the venom spewing from the news/media fanning the flames of hatred and the precarious nature of our health, both societal and individual. Our bodies can only take so much before they try to tell us they need help.
One major consequence to the whole working from home thing is the havoc it wreaks on our musculatures and joints. Inc. Magazine recently cited a study from Chubb Insurance Company that found 41% of Americans have had new or increased back, neck or shoulder pain (and even tooth fractures!) since they began working from home. And another survey conducted by Hinge Health found 45% reported back and joint pain with 71% saying the pain was either new or worse than prior to the pandemic.
In the article, Inc. highlights, in part, what employers can do for employees who are working from home. Makes sense. It is a business publication. But, whether you have employees whom you want to help, or are trying to adjust your own at-home situation, there are several things you can do to ease the stress being imposed on your body.
First, here are some tips from NPR who came out with a great roadmap you can follow with simple steps to develop new and healthy work habits - at home.
Second, Harvard Health Publishing says no matter what, you need to keep moving. Even the smallest bit, as insignificant as it may seem, makes a big difference. It is an informative and enlightening explanation about how sitting affects our muscles and cardiovascular health, and beyond, and also offers up some great tips.
And finally, since tightness and stiffness are a direct result of sitting too much, especially in weird positions, stretching is often recommended. And since it also happens to be our thing, we thought you might enjoy having a few go-to stretches in your toolbox to help loosen you up during the day, or after a day working at your desk, on your bed/couch, floor, or kitchen counter!
Here is a seated hip stretch and neck stretch from our Lastics Office Series. Both you can do with your camera off and Zoom on! Or, if you need more, you can do our full body stretch, with a focus on back and hamstrings in just about 4 minutes.
Enjoy the hip and neck stretches for free when you use code WFH.*
And then also, for your sore, achy muscles we have our amazing, natural warming/cooling muscle rub that will soothe your aches and pains while you work, and beyond!
*The rental period for videos is 5 days.
Lastics is the only stretching method with transformational techniques that teach you how to significantly & safely improve your flexibility. Born from the world of dance and made for all levels, Lastics Stretch is loved by everyone!
The Difference Between Stretching and Being Stretched
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